I have a Fine Arts Degree and mainly paint with dye on silk and watercolors.  I also create drawings and do award wining beaded jewelry some of which is for sale through my web site.

I discovered beading through my daughter and have enjoyed applying the same aspects of color, motion, and perspective design that I learned in my formal education and over 30 years of painting and drawing to jewelry design.  

I have taught beading and micro macrame at national shows, retail stores and bead societies throughout the United States and the United Kingdom for more than 15 years.  I have also written 4 “how to” books on Micro Macrame, which have sold over 25,000 copies worldwide.   

My watercolors hang in private collections in Hawaii, Texas, Australia, California, Washington, Arizona, New York and Florida.  I have been fortunate to be accepted at many juried shows and have won numerous awards.  My paintings have shown at several one and two-person shows in Bay Area galleries, including Olive Hyde and Adobe.  I have sold through galleries in Maui, Napa Valley, Sonoma, Carmel and Durango, Colorado.

My silk paintings use techniques similar to my watercolors but with dye and pen on stretched silk.  I have written an article for the silk painters organization, SPIN, about aspects of my techniques.


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Really professional site. Your jewellery work is remarkable and exquisite. Great stuff. I hope to inspire you with this comment, to get back to art. The world is lacking without your input. :D
-- Marty Vantaa, 2/23/14

Macrame, Silk Paintings, Watercolor Paintings, Beaded Jewelry, Kris Buchanan, Kristine Buchanan, beads, jewelry, macrame, micro macrame, paintings, drawings