| * Non Micro Macrame Jewelry | | Click an image to enlarge  Besides macrame, I also do Peyote Stitch jewelry, bead embroidery and handmade books (that have macrame and embroidery on them). Orange Opaque Peyote Stitch Freeform Amulet  Three Faces Beaded Embroidered Necklace $300
 Big Green Necklace  Blue Green & Maroon Freeform Peyote Stitch Amulet $300
 Blue & Turquoise Freeform Glass Necklace $400
 Handmade copper book with freeform Macrame and bead embroidery  Copper & Black Freeform Peyote Stitch Necklace  Green Fused Glass Freeform Peyote Stitch Necklace  Loomed Mondrian Style Amulet $75
 Multi-colored Freeform Peyote Stitch Amulet $150
 Blue, Black & Purple Peyote Freeform Amulet  Embellished Felted Purse Be the first to post a comment. |
| Macrame, Silk Paintings, Watercolor Paintings, Beaded Jewelry, Kris Buchanan, Kristine Buchanan, beads, jewelry, macrame, micro macrame, paintings, drawings RSS |  |