Navajo Woman in Monument Valley
Navajo Woman in Monument Valley

We used to go to Monument Valley back in the 60's and 70's (before they charged to get in).  We camped there in the red dirt and Dad would take us out through the valley to take pictures.  This woman was on a horse herding sheep over a large sand dune.  I just love her face, don't you?  This is half the size of most of my paintings.   The unframed size is 15 x 23.

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Hi I was looking through the internet, pictures of navajo women and came across this painting of my mother. I would like a copy of it.
-- Marilyn Cly, 6/5/16

Macrame, Silk Paintings, Watercolor Paintings, Beaded Jewelry, Kris Buchanan, Kristine Buchanan, beads, jewelry, macrame, micro macrame, paintings, drawings